
JSA Global South Africa offers a full host of services to fully meet all of your requirements

Project Management

JSA Global South Africa operates a project management service.

There is no cost for this service – We like to fulfil the clients' needs. We prefer to help manage the project so we can turn equipment quickly and efficiently, allowing us to manage any storage so to avoid containers sitting on site incurring charges. No point in having the cars arrive before the engines to get them running.

The team are able to co-ordinate supply and demand on your behalf and are used to the intricacies of complicated projects such as importing chemicals to ensure that a copper mine keeps operating - Or cocoa beans so that the chocolate bars remain on the shelves!

In today's fast paced and complex global shipping environment we are pleased to offer you the very best of service.

Contact us with your requirements.

Project Management

We are happy to call you back regarding any of our services

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